Egg-Laying Guide for Rhode Island Reds: Numbers, Tips & More

Thinking about raising Rhode Island Reds? These egg-laying champions can produce up to 300 eggs a year—but only if you set them up for success! From top-tier nutrition to the perfect coop setup, we’re breaking down everything you need to know to keep your hens happy, healthy, and laying like pros. Ready to crack the secrets of maximum egg production? Let’s get to it!..

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Discover How Often Hens Lay Eggs and What Affects Their Egg Production

Ever wonder why your hens aren’t cranking out eggs every single day? Turns out, they’re not as egg-crazy as you think! From their age to their vibe, there are a ton of reasons your chickens might hit pause on egg-laying. We’re spilling the tea on all the weird (but totally normal) reasons your hens might take a break—and how to keep them laying like pros!..

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Understanding When Hens Gradually Slow Down in Egg Production

Is your hen taking a break from laying eggs? Don’t freak out! We’ve got the lowdown on why hens slow down (and how to keep the eggs rolling in a little longer). Spoiler: it’s all about age, breed, and maybe some extra TLC. Keep reading for all the tips and tricks to keep your flock on their egg-laying game!..

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Why You Might Find Blood in Your Chicken Eggs and What It Means

Found a blood spot in your egg? Don’t freak out! It’s totally normal, and we’re here to explain why it happens, if it’s safe to eat, and how to handle it like a pro. Keep reading for everything you need to know—no stress required!..

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Why Grit is Crucial for Your Chickens’ Digestive Health

Chickens don’t have teeth, so how do they break down their food? Meet grit—the tiny powerhouse that keeps your chickens’ digestion and eggshells in tip-top shape. Get the lowdown on why grit’s a total game-changer for your flock!..

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Wondering If You Can Eat a Chicken with Ascites (aka Water Belly)? Here’s What to Know!

Got a chicken with a bloated belly? Don’t panic, you can still eat it! We’ve got the ultimate guide to draining that fluid, checking the meat, and making sure your chicken’s still tasty. Plus, we’re sharing pro tips to stop water belly before it even starts. Let’s get into it!..

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Stop Hawks from Attacking Your Chickens: Proven Ways to Protect Your Flock

Hawks treating your chickens like an all-you-can-eat buffet? OH, HELL NO. From fake owls to blinding them with shiny objects, we’ve got the ultimate hacks to keep your flock safe—without spending a fortune or losing your mind. Your chickens will thank you. Probably…

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Why Onions Are a Dangerous Treat for Chickens: What You Need to Know

Think giving your chickens a little onion won’t hurt? Spoiler alert: It will! Find out why onions are a total no-go for your flock and how to keep them safe (and happy) without risking a toxic disaster…

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Can You Eat Serama Chicken Eggs?

If you’re a chicken raiser or enthusiast, you might have heard of Serama chickens.

These tiny birds, originating from Malaysia, are popular for their small size and cute appearance.

But one question that often arises about these chickens is whether their eggs are good to eat.

In this post, we’ll explore the answer to this question and more…

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How To Stop Chickens From Eating Eggs (Stopping & Preventing Hens From Egg Eating)

Contents: How To Stop Chickens From Eating Eggs How To Stop Chickens From Eating Their Eggs How Do You Know Which Chicken Is Eating Eggs? Why Do Chickens Eat Their Eggs? Conclusion: Preventing Chickens From Destroying Their Eggs How To Stop Chickens From Eating Their Eggs If you have egg-eating chickens, you have a serious … Read more

Can You Feed Chickens Eggs? (Chickens Will Eat Eggs, Including Eggshells… But Should They?)

Contents: Can You Feed Chickens Eggs? Do Chickens Eat Chicken Eggs? Is It OK To Feed Chickens Their Own Eggs? Is It OK To Give Chickens Boiled Eggs? Can I Feed Scrambled Eggs to My Chickens? Can You Feed Eggshells to Chickens? Conclusion: Should You Feed Eggs to Chickens? Do Chickens Eat Chicken Eggs? Eating … Read more

Why Do Chickens Have Feathers?

The majority of birds have feathers because they help in flying. However, chickens cannot fly very high in the sky. So have you ever wondered why chickens have feathers? While it may seem like a silly question, understanding the role of feathers on chickens is essential to understanding the biology and behavior of these beloved … Read more

What Can Chickens Eat From the Garden?

Contents: What Can Chickens Eat From the Garden? What Garden Vegetables, Herbs, Grains, & Fruits Can Chickens Eat? What Can Chickens Not Eat From the Garden? Conclusion: What Is the Best Thing To Feed Backyard Chickens? What Garden Vegetables, Herbs, Grains, & Fruits Can Chickens Eat? There are many garden vegetables, herbs, grains, and fruits … Read more

Can You Eat a Chicken With Bumblefoot?

The meat from a chicken with bumblefoot is typically still edible, but it is important to take safety precautions. Whether the chickens were receiving medical treatment when they were culled will determine whether eating the meat is safe. A withdrawal period might have to be taken into account if your chickens are on certain drugs. … Read more

Can You Eat Eggs From a Chicken With Bumblefoot?

Eggs from a chicken with bumblefoot can typically still be eaten, however, it is important to take safety precautions. Whether the hens were receiving medical treatment when they laid the eggs will determine whether eating the eggs is safe. A withdrawal period might have to be taken into account if your hens are on certain … Read more

Bumblefoot in Chickens

Bumblefoot, also known as footpad dermatitis, is an abscess caused by bacteria (Staphylococcus aureus) in the pad on the bottom of a chicken’s foot. Heavy-breed chickens that are developing are most frequently affected by this type of staph infection in 1 or both feet. Symptoms Chickens with bumblefoot often struggle to walk and limp when they do. … Read more

Can You Eat a Chicken With Fowl Pox?

The meat from a chicken with fowl pox is typically still edible, but it is important to take safety precautions. Whether the chickens were receiving medical treatment when they were culled will determine whether eating the meat is safe. A withdrawal period might have to be taken into account if your chickens are on certain … Read more

Can You Eat Eggs From Chickens With Fowl Pox?

Eggs from a chicken with fowl pox can typically still be eaten, however, it is important to take safety precautions. Whether the hens were receiving medical treatment when they laid the eggs will determine whether eating the eggs is safe. A withdrawal period might have to be taken into account if your hens are on … Read more

Fowl Pox in Chickens

Scabby skin, fever, and a decreased appetite are symptoms of the viral illness known as fowl pox. There are 2 types of fowl pox that affect chickens and other poultry: Wet pox is significantly more deadly and can occasionally result in death, but dry pox is typically temporary and disappears on its own. Survivors in … Read more

Can You Eat Isa Brown Chickens?

Contents: Can You Eat Isa Brown Chickens? What Are ISA Brown Chickens Used For? Can You Eat ISA Brown Chicken? What Is the Best Breed of Chicken for Eggs and Meat? What Are ISA Brown Chickens Used For? ISA Brown chickens are a type of chicken specially bred for their egg-laying abilities. These birds are … Read more

Ascites in Chickens (Water Belly)

Ascites, a buildup of yellow or bloody fluid in the abdominal cavity brought on by heart failure, typically affects broilers that grow quickly. Ascites is also called broiler ascites, dropsy, and waterbelly. When the heart cannot pump enough blood to meet the body’s demands, heart failure occurs. Symptoms Signs of ascites in broilers include: Ascites in … Read more

Can You Eat Chickens With Coryza?

Meat from a chicken infected with coryza can still be eaten, however, it is important to take safety precautions. Whether the chickens were receiving treatment when they were culled will determine whether eating the meat from coryza-infected birds is safe. A withdrawal period must be taken into account if your chickens are on medication, such … Read more

Coryza in Chickens

Infectious coryza, caused by the Haemophilus paragallinarum bacteria, is the chicken equivalent of the common cold. It’s also one of the most common bacterial infections affecting backyard chickens in the southeastern United States and in California Typically, chickens are not prone to coryza until they are 3 to 4 months old, and as they age, their … Read more

Sulfa for Chickens

Sulfa drugs (sulfonamides) are frequently used since they are affordable and effectively treat a variety of conditions. Unfortunately, numerous bacteria have developed resistance since their introduction in the 1930s. There are various related medications in the sulfonamide family that can be divided into two groups: Rapid Absorption & Excretion: Must be given 1 – 4 … Read more

Can You Eat a Chicken With Vent Gleet?

Meat from a chicken with vent gleet can typically still be eaten, however, it is important to take safety precautions. First, find out what is causing the vent gleet. The condition known as vent gleet can be caused by a variety of reasons (e.g. bacteria, parasites, yeast, etc.) Second, whether the hens were receiving medical treatment when … Read more

Can You Eat Eggs From a Chicken With Vent Gleet?

Eggs from a chicken with vent gleet can typically still be eaten, however, it is important to take safety precautions. First, find out what is causing the vent gleet. The condition known as vent gleet can be caused by a variety of reasons (e.g. bacteria, parasites, yeast, etc.) Second, whether the hens were receiving medical treatment when … Read more

Can You Eat a Chicken With Coccidiosis?

Meat from a chicken infected with coccidiosis can still be eaten, however, it is important to take safety precautions. Whether the chickens were receiving treatment when they were culled will determine whether eating the meat from coccidiosis-infected birds is safe. You can consume the chickens both while and after they’re taking Corid (the brand name … Read more

Can You Eat Eggs From Chickens With Coccidiosis?

Eggs from a chicken infected with coccidiosis can still be eaten, however, it is important to take safety precautions. Whether the hens were receiving treatment when they laid the eggs will determine whether eating the eggs from coccidiosis-infected birds is safe. You can consume chicken eggs both while and after they’re taking Corid (the brand … Read more

Coccidiosis in Chickens

Coccidiosis is a common intestinal disease in chickens. It can cause severe health problems and even death if left untreated. Chickens can contract a variety of parasitic protozoa, called coccidia. Each species invades a distinct region of the intestine. It’s also possible that more than one species will infect a chicken at the same time. Symptoms … Read more

Vent Gleet in Chickens

Chickens and other poultry are prone to vent gleet, commonly known as cloacitis. It’s a rare infection characterized by persistent inflammation of the cloaca. The space where the digestive, excretory, and reproductive tracts come together is known as the cloaca. Since every one of these bodily functions empties into the cloaca, it is vulnerable to … Read more

Can You Eat Eggs From a Chicken With Bird Flu? (Avian Influenza)

Eggs from a chicken infected with bird flu can still be eaten, however, it is important to take safety precautions. Avian influenza, or bird flu, is an infection that spreads among birds and poultry, and in rare cases can spread to humans. It is typically contracted through contact with infected birds or their excretions. As … Read more

Can You Eat a Chicken With Bird Flu? (Avian Influenza)

Though it may sound dangerous, the short answer is yes – but only if certain precautions are taken. When it comes to eating chicken with bird flu, food safety experts recommend that consumers cook their poultry thoroughly and avoid consuming any undercooked poultry products. Since the virus primarily spreads through contact with infected birds or … Read more

Bird Flu in Chickens (Avian Influenza)

Bird flu (avian influenza) is a highly transmissible virus that has been around for a long time. Orthomyxoviruses, the same type of virus that causes flu in humans, pigs, horses, and other animals, are responsible for causing bird flu. Numerous virus strains have developed over time and are divided into low-path (low pathogenicity) and high-path … Read more

Can You Eat a Chicken With Marek’s Disease?

Experts [RES] say that the virus cannot survive in the chicken’s muscles, so meat from chickens with Marek’s disease is safe for consumption. However, the cutaneous (skin) type of Marek’s can cause internal and external tumors in chickens, both of which can be very unappealing. Can Humans Get Marek’s Disease From Chickens? The answer is no – Marek’s … Read more

Can You Eat Eggs From a Chicken With Marek’s Disease?

Experts [RES] say that the virus cannot survive in egg whites or yolks, so eggs from chickens with Marek’s disease are safe for consumption. However, while the eggs themselves may be safe to eat, it is still essential to take precautions when handling them as they could have been exposed to bacteria during production or … Read more

Marek’s Disease in Chickens

Marek’s disease is a common poultry illness caused by the herpes virus, which causes cancer. It’s harmless for turkeys but may be fatal to chickens. Marek’s disease can affect many different types of poultry, although it is most prevalent in chickens between the ages of 4 weeks and 18 months. Symptoms of Marek’s Disease This … Read more

Chickens & Molting

If you notice a lot of feathers in the chicken coop or in your yard, your chickens are molting and will soon grow healthy coats of brand-new feathers. Chickens shed and grow new feathers every year or so, like the majority of birds. This yearly cycle of feather shedding and regrowth is completely normal and not … Read more

Chickens Won’t Eat

What happens when your chicken stops eating? This can be concerning for many chicken owners who don’t know why this is happening or how to address it. Chickens can stop eating or consume too little as a result of the following situations: Feeders The feeder is placed such that the feed is out of the … Read more

Vitamin Deficiency in Chickens

In practical terms, identifying any single nutrient as the cause of a particular deficiency is difficult because most nutrients have multiple functions, many nutrients interact with one another in complex ways, and most signs of a deficiency apply to more than one nutrient. Further, a deficiency may not result from a lack of nutrients in … Read more

Chickens & Feeders

Feeder Design If the feeder design discourages eating, it will most likely have an impact on your chickens’ health. An example of a bad feeder design is one that lets poop build up in the feed. A remedy for this is hanging a rainproof feeder with a no-roost top (Amazon) because it keeps chickens from roosting on top … Read more

Chickens Laying Thin-Shelled Eggs

Eggs with thin shells are among the most frequent problems experienced by chicken owners. When chickens begin to lay eggs with thin shells, it can be concerning. Eggs with thin shells are weaker and more likely to break than normal eggs while being carried and transported. This could be a problem for poultry keepers who make their living … Read more

Can Chickens Eat Salt

Despite being an essential component of blood and other biological fluids, salt (sodium and chloride) is only needed in very small amounts. All the salt a chicken requires is present in commercial chicken feed. However, chickens raised on pasture who eat mostly vegetables and grain might need a salt supplement. Loose salt (not rock salt) should always … Read more

High Protein Foods for Molting Chickens

A small amount of extra animal protein in your chickens’ diet will aid your chickens in molting and enhance the appearance of show birds because chicken feathers are 85 percent protein. The amino acids a chicken needs during a molt are abundant in animal protein compared to the protein found in grains. Below are some excellent … Read more

Overweight Chickens

The risk of obesity is highest in inactive chickens maintained as pets that are overfed with energy-dense food (like chicken treats and table scraps). Some breeds have a tendency to gain excess weight, especially the New Hampshire, Plymouth Rock, and other dual-purpose breeds. Signs of obesity include: In addition to having poor egg production, fat hens … Read more

What Are Transgenic Chickens?

A transgenic (genetically modified) chicken is produced by introducing genetic material from another organism into a chicken embryo. This embryo may then develop into a transgenic chicken after hatching. Some genetically modified characteristics may also be heritable, which means that the chicken’s offspring will inherit them. Engineered chickens, which appear to be regular chickens from the outside, have … Read more

Homemade Chicken Feed

Making your own chicken feed can be a difficult task. It includes having a good understanding of the dietary requirements of chickens as well as the nutritional quality of the available feedstuffs that can meet those requirements. If you choose to make your own chicken feed, you may either buy each ingredient separately or grow some of … Read more

Chicken Feed Storage

Although antioxidants are added to commercial chicken feed to postpone deterioration, heat, sunshine, oxygen, and a number of microorganisms that can spoil feed eventually degrade nutrition. During extended storage, even the greatest chicken feed loses nutritional value. I suggest that you don’t stock up on bags of feed. Only buy what your flock can consume in the … Read more

Crumble vs Pellet Chicken Feed

To give their flocks the basic nutrients needed to create a balanced diet, using a commercial chicken feed is the simplest approach for the majority of chicken keepers. Pellets Typically, chicken feed intended for older chickens comes in the form of compressed pellets made from a mixture of ground-up essential nutrients. Because every pellet has the … Read more

Chickens & Water

Water is a crucial component in any balanced chicken diet. A chicken’s body weight is made up of 50% water and an egg’s weight is 65% water. A few of water’s many crucial jobs is to transport nutrients throughout the body, remove metabolic waste, and keep the body cool through evaporation. Minimum Water Needed A … Read more

Chickens & Immunity

The capacity to fend off illness is known as immunity (also called resistance). Domestic chickens frequently require assistance to build immunity against diseases in their surroundings since they are kept in an unnatural habitat. Inherited Immunity Inherited immunity is a type of immunology that involves the transfer of immunity from hen to chick. It is … Read more