Can You Eat Serama Chicken Eggs?

If you’re a chicken raiser or enthusiast, you might have heard of Serama chickens.

These tiny birds, originating from Malaysia, are popular for their small size and cute appearance.

But one question that often arises about these chickens is whether their eggs are good to eat.

In this post, we’ll explore the answer to this question and more. …Read this guide!

Can You Feed Chickens Eggs? (Chickens Will Eat Eggs, Including Eggshells… But Should They?)

Contents: Can You Feed Chickens Eggs? Do Chickens Eat Chicken Eggs? Is It OK To Feed Chickens Their Own Eggs? Is It OK To Give Chickens Boiled Eggs? Can I Feed Scrambled Eggs to My Chickens? Can You Feed Eggshells to Chickens? Conclusion: Should You Feed Eggs to Chickens? Do Chickens Eat Chicken Eggs? Eating … Read more

What Can Chickens Eat From the Garden?

Contents: What Can Chickens Eat From the Garden? What Garden Vegetables, Herbs, Grains, & Fruits Can Chickens Eat? What Can Chickens Not Eat From the Garden? Conclusion: What Is the Best Thing To Feed Backyard Chickens? What Garden Vegetables, Herbs, Grains, & Fruits Can Chickens Eat? There are many garden vegetables, herbs, grains, and fruits … Read more

Vitamin Deficiency in Chickens

In practical terms, identifying any single nutrient as the cause of a particular deficiency is difficult because most nutrients have multiple functions, many nutrients interact with one another in complex ways, and most signs of a deficiency apply to more than one nutrient. Further, a deficiency may not result from a lack of nutrients in … Read more

Can Chickens Eat Salt

Despite being an essential component of blood and other biological fluids, salt (sodium and chloride) is only needed in very small amounts. All the salt a chicken requires is present in commercial chicken feed. However, chickens raised on pasture who eat mostly vegetables and grain might need a salt supplement. Loose salt (not rock salt) should always … Read more

High Protein Foods for Molting Chickens

A small amount of extra animal protein in your chickens’ diet will aid your chickens in molting and enhance the appearance of show birds because chicken feathers are 85 percent protein. The amino acids a chicken needs during a molt are abundant in animal protein compared to the protein found in grains. Below are some excellent … Read more

Homemade Chicken Feed

Making your own chicken feed can be a difficult task. It includes having a good understanding of the dietary requirements of chickens as well as the nutritional quality of the available feedstuffs that can meet those requirements. If you choose to make your own chicken feed, you may either buy each ingredient separately or grow some of … Read more

Crumble vs Pellet Chicken Feed

To give their flocks the basic nutrients needed to create a balanced diet, using a commercial chickenĀ feed is the simplest approach for the majority of chicken keepers. Pellets Typically, chicken feed intended for older chickens comes in the form of compressed pellets made from a mixture of ground-up essential nutrients. Because every pellet has the … Read more

Chickens & Water

Water is a crucial component in any balanced chicken diet. A chicken’s body weight is made up of 50% water and an egg’s weight is 65% water. A few of water’s many crucial jobs is to transport nutrients throughout the body, remove metabolic waste, and keep the body cool through evaporation. Minimum Water Needed A … Read more

Do Chickens Need Oyster Shells? (A Simple Look at if Hens & Other Chickens Require Oyster Shell)

Chickens are a common farm animal, and many people don’t know what they need to stay healthy.

One important thing egg-laying hens need are oyster shells.

Read this post to learn more about why oyster shells are important for hens, and how you can provide them for your own flock. …Read this guide!

How Much Does a Chick Eat per Day? (+ How Often Should Average Baby Chicks Eat Daily?)

A chick needs to eat a lot!

This post explains how much a chick should eat, and the different types of food they need to stay healthy.

Read now to learn more about these little creatures! …Read this guide!

Can Chickens Eat Onions? (Can You Feed an Onion to a Chicken or Will Eating an Onion Cause Harm?)

This post is all about whether or not chickens can eat onions.

Some people say that they can, and some people say that they can’t.

So, which is it?

Read the post to find out! …Read this guide!

How Much Feed Does a Layer Chicken Eat per Day? (A Look at How Much Food Laying Hens Eat Everyday)

If you want to learn how much feed a layer chicken eats per day, then this post is for you!

Get all the information you need to know about how much these chickens eat so that you can properly care for them. …Read this guide!

Do Chickens Need Oyster Shells and Grit? (A Look at What Hens & Other Chickens Require in Their Diet)

Chickens are interesting creatures and many people don’t know that they need more than just food and water.

But they also need grit and oyster shell.

Grit helps chickens with their digestion, and oyster shell provides them with calcium so they can lay strong eggs.

If you’re interested in learning more about chickens and what they need to stay healthy, read this post! …Read this guide!

How Much To Feed Chickens per Day in Grams (A Look at the Amount of Food Hens & Other Chickens Eat in g Daily)

If you’re wondering how much to feed your chickens each day in grams, then this post is for you.

In this post, I’ll tell you exactly how many grams of food your chickens need per day.

Click to read now! …Read this guide!

How Much To Feed Chickens per Day in Cups (A Look at the Amount of Food Hens & Other Chickens Eat Daily)

If you’re wondering how much to feed your chickens each day, this post is for you.

Find out how many cups of food per day your chickens need, based on their age and activity level.

Plus, get some tips on what type of food to give them for a healthy diet. …Read this guide!

How Much Feed per Chicken? (And How Often Should You Be Feeding Hens & Other Chickens?)

Are you wondering how much feed you should give your chickens so they stay healthy and happy.?

This post will tell you everything you need to know about feeding your chickens the right amount of food. …Read this guide!

How Much To Feed Chickens per Day in kg (A Look at the Amount of Food Hens & Other Chickens Eat Daily in Kilograms)

Are you wondering how much to feed chickens per day in kg?

This post has the answer!

Read to learn the amount of food chickens need to stay healthy and happy. …Read this guide!

What Do I Feed My Chickens After Chick Starter? (Poultry Food: A Look at Feeding Chicks, From Starter Feed to Grower Feed + What Chicken Feed To Give Hens)

If you’re wondering what to feed your chickens after they’ve outgrown chick starter, this post is for you.

In it, I’ll share some expert tips on what to look for in a chicken feed, and how to make sure your chickens are getting the nutrition they need.

Read now and get your flock off to a healthy start! …Read this guide!

How Many Times a Day Should I Feed My Chickens? (What Times of the Day + How Often Hens & Other Chickens Should Eat)

If you’re wondering how often to feed your chickens, this post is for you.

See how many times a day you should be feeding your flock.

Plus, get tips on the best way to feed your chickens so they stay healthy and happy. …Read this guide!