Bumblefoot in Chickens

Bumblefoot, also known as footpad dermatitis, is an abscess caused by bacteria (Staphylococcus aureus) in the pad on the bottom of a chicken’s foot. Heavy-breed chickens that are developing are most frequently affected by this type of staph infection in 1 or both feet. Symptoms Chickens with bumblefoot often struggle to walk and limp when they do. … Read more

Fowl Pox in Chickens

Scabby skin, fever, and a decreased appetite are symptoms of the viral illness known as fowl pox. There are 2 types of fowl pox that affect chickens and other poultry: Wet pox is significantly more deadly and can occasionally result in death, but dry pox is typically temporary and disappears on its own. Survivors in … Read more

Ascites in Chickens (Water Belly)

Ascites, a buildup of yellow or bloody fluid in the abdominal cavity brought on by heart failure, typically affects broilers that grow quickly. Ascites is also called broiler ascites, dropsy, and waterbelly. When the heart cannot pump enough blood to meet the body’s demands, heart failure occurs. Symptoms Signs of ascites in broilers include: Ascites in … Read more

Coryza in Chickens

Infectious coryza, caused by the Haemophilus paragallinarum bacteria, is the chicken equivalent of the common cold. It’s also one of the most common bacterial infections affecting backyard chickens in the southeastern United States and in California Typically, chickens are not prone to coryza until they are 3 to 4 months old, and as they age, their … Read more

Sulfa for Chickens

Sulfa drugs (sulfonamides) are frequently used since they are affordable and effectively treat a variety of conditions. Unfortunately, numerous bacteria have developed resistance since their introduction in the 1930s. There are various related medications in the sulfonamide family that can be divided into two groups: Rapid Absorption & Excretion: Must be given 1 – 4 … Read more

Coccidiosis in Chickens

Coccidiosis is a common intestinal disease in chickens. It can cause severe health problems and even death if left untreated. Chickens can contract a variety of parasitic protozoa, called coccidia. Each species invades a distinct region of the intestine. It’s also possible that more than one species will infect a chicken at the same time. Symptoms … Read more

Vent Gleet in Chickens

Chickens and other poultry are prone to vent gleet, commonly known as cloacitis. It’s a rare infection characterized by persistent inflammation of the cloaca. The space where the digestive, excretory, and reproductive tracts come together is known as the cloaca. Since every one of these bodily functions empties into the cloaca, it is vulnerable to … Read more

Bird Flu in Chickens (Avian Influenza)

Bird flu (avian influenza) is a highly transmissible virus that has been around for a long time. Orthomyxoviruses, the same type of virus that causes flu in humans, pigs, horses, and other animals, are responsible for causing bird flu. Numerous virus strains have developed over time and are divided into low-path (low pathogenicity) and high-path … Read more

Marek’s Disease in Chickens

Marek’s disease is a common poultry illness caused by the herpes virus, which causes cancer. It’s harmless for turkeys but may be fatal to chickens. Marek’s disease can affect many different types of poultry, although it is most prevalent in chickens between the ages of 4 weeks and 18 months. Symptoms of Marek’s Disease This … Read more

Chickens Won’t Eat

What happens when your chicken stops eating? This can be concerning for many chicken owners who don’t know why this is happening or how to address it. Chickens can stop eating or consume too little as a result of the following situations: Feeders The feeder is placed such that the feed is out of the … Read more

Overweight Chickens

The risk of obesity is highest in inactive chickens maintained as pets that are overfed with energy-dense food (like chicken treats and table scraps). Some breeds have a tendency to gain excess weight, especially the New Hampshire, Plymouth Rock, and other dual-purpose breeds. Signs of obesity include: In addition to having poor egg production, fat hens … Read more

Chickens & Immunity

The capacity to fend off illness is known as immunity (also called resistance). Domestic chickens frequently require assistance to build immunity against diseases in their surroundings since they are kept in an unnatural habitat. Inherited Immunity Inherited immunity is a type of immunology that involves the transfer of immunity from hen to chick. It is … Read more

Chickens & Medication

It’s not in the chickens’ best interests for flock owners to regularly provide antibiotics to newly hatched chicks, returning show birds, and newly introduced chickens. Such casual drug use merely drives up expenses and exacerbates issues in the end. Instead, develop a disease prevention strategy based on the problems common in your region and only … Read more

Chickens & Stress

A chicken, like all living creatures, has a certain amount of energy to deal with daily tasks and only enough extra energy to adapt to minor uncommon events or moderate changes. Stress happens when events or changes are so frequent or extreme that they quickly deplete the chicken’s energy, leaving too little energy for everyday … Read more

Chickens & Wild Birds

Wild birds can be a source of many diseases for chickens. These diseases are spread through direct contact, the exchange of bodily fluids, or by contact with contaminated food, water, equipment, and bedding with their poop. Wild birds can also carry diseases on their feet and feathers. When food is easily accessible and good nesting … Read more

Quarantine Chickens

Quarantining chickens is an important practice to maintain the health of the flock and prevent the spread of disease. A quarantine period should begin whenever you introduce new birds into your existing flock, if one of your birds becomes ill, or if you brought your chicken somewhere it could possibly have caught a contagious illness … Read more

Closed Flock Chickens

Each flock is exposed to a unique combination of diseases, which results in the development of a unique set of immunities within every flock. Because of this, mixing chickens from 2 flocks that are both in perfect health can cause them to contract diseases since they have different immunities. The easiest strategy to prevent illnesses … Read more

Is Ammonia Harmful to Chickens?

As bacteria break down manure, they generate the foul-smelling gas known as ammonia. Not only does it smell unpleasant and pose a risk to the health of the chickens and the person caring for them, but it also indicates that nitrogen is actually evaporating. High amounts of ammonia in the chicken coop’s air can make chickens … Read more