Chickens & Feeders

Feeder Design If the feeder design discourages eating, it will most likely have an impact on your chickens’ health. An example of a bad feeder design is one that lets poop build up in the feed. A remedy for this is hanging a rainproof feeder with a no-roost top (Amazon) because it keeps chickens from roosting on top … Read more

Backyard Chicken Supplies (Poultry Supply List for Backyard Hens & Other Chickens + What Feed You’ll Need!)

Are you thinking about getting backyard chickens? Not sure what supplies you need to get started?

This post will give you a list of everything you need to get started with raising backyard chickens.

From chicken coops to chicken feed, this post has you covered.

So check it out now and get all the information you need to start your own flock of backyard chickens. …Read this guide!